How to attach keepers on a saddle pad

How to attach keepers on a saddle pad

English saddle pads are not just plain pads, they also include, typically, two straps to help ensure that the saddle stays in the proper place under the saddle with minimal shifting. This image shows how to attach the billet strap of a dressage saddle pad to the saddle’s billets. The billet strap on a saddle pad is usually a strip of nylon webbing with a loop at the end. To use, position saddle pad on horse’s back, then position your saddle on top of the pad. Before attaching the girth, grasp the billet keeper of the english saddle pad and thread the first billte through it as shown. Do this on both sides, then girth up normally, using the billet your saddle pad is attached to. This strap helps keep your english saddle pad from slipping back or shifting, which would be uncomfortable for your horse.

A Horse with a Saddle Pad On“></p>
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